Norman Todd is hoping to play a role in helping future patients discover his same quality of life by taking part in a Foundation-funded clinical trial. “I appreciate all that the people who went before me did to help develop new treatments, and I want to do what I can to help someone else in the future.” Continue Reading
Norman Todd
When Calvin Pettitt found himself out of breath after climbing the stairs, he bought some workout clothes and shoes, and then started walking. The weight started dropping fast—too fast. It was kidney cancer. “My grandfather and my mom both died of cancer. I thought it was a death sentence.” With God, his extended family and the team at Illinois CancerCare by his side, Calvin proved it’s not. He had his kidney removed, joined a clinical trial and now feels good enough to start taking laps around the track once more. Continue Reading
Calvin Pettitt
April Showers Bring May Flowers!
Did you know flowers have an immediate impact on happiness? Our path is surrounded by beautiful potted plants to bring just that – happiness and, most importantly, hope!
It costs $5,000 to fill our pots with flowers for the year.
Will you help our garden flourish? As donations grow towards our $5,000 goal, we are excited to share a new image to our
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#FlourishFriday with more color each week. Let’s do this!