At 75, Roger Nuhn of Glasford is a relative newlywed. When he and Bonnie married five years ago, he joined a close-knit family that all rallied around him when he started treatment for chronic lymphocytic leukemia in the winter of 2014. Presented with the opportunity to participate in a clinical trial, Roger decided, “What have I got to lose?” The answer: Nothing. He’s not only responding well to treatment—which he’s not sure he could have afforded on his own—but he’s also recovered the energy to do the things he loves. “I wouldn’t have been able to do anything without this treatment. Now, I feel like doing stuff again.” Continue Reading

Roger Nuhn

When Calvin Pettitt found himself out of breath after climbing the stairs, he bought some workout clothes and shoes, and then started walking. The weight started dropping fast—too fast. It was kidney cancer. “My grandfather and my mom both died of cancer. I thought it was a death sentence.” With God, his extended family and the team at Illinois CancerCare by his side, Calvin proved it’s not. He had his kidney removed, joined a clinical trial and now feels good enough to start taking laps around the track once more. Continue Reading

Calvin Pettitt

Pre-Grant Inquiry Form

  • Grant Policy & Funding Guidelines

    The Illinois CancerCare Foundation was created in 2002 by the physicians of Illinois CancerCare, P.C. and is dedicated completely to supporting local cancer patients through the funding and promotion of cancer research, education/awareness and patient support. The Foundation’s efforts are guided by a Board of Directors acting in accordance to the organization’s articles of incorporation and bylaws.

    The Foundation’s mission is to fund Research, Education and Awareness of a disease which affects 1 in 3 people. As we fight to find a cure through nationally recognized research initiatives, it is our strong belief that our patients must have available to them every possible weapon in their battle. To make a difference, the Illinois CancerCare Foundation seeks support from the community by communicating these needs.

    The Foundation has identified three primary priorities and areas of interest for which it will emphasize funding support:

    1. Scientific Clinical Cancer Research – the Foundation aims to sponsor clinical research to help prevent, screen for and diagnosis cancer
    2. Early Cancer Detection & Prevention Education and Clinical Trial Awareness
    3. Patient Support and Assistance* [*refers only to general cancer care-related support and assistance in the form of token items for education, comfort, and personal care that are made generally available to patients, not to select individual patients; the Foundation is not set up to fund individual patient support or financial assistance of any kind at this time]

    Proposed projects must further the research and public service objectives of Foundation in a manner consistent with its status as a not-for-profit corporation. The Foundation will consider supporting Grant Requests for projects and initiatives that meet one or more of the following criteria:

    1. Are directly related to the Foundation’s priorities and areas of interest stated above
    2. Include a strategy for leveraging other resources and support
    3. Produce cost-effective results that can be measured and evaluated

    Current grant categories include, but are not limited to:

    • Scientific Clinical Cancer Research Grants
    • Trust In Hope Fund Grants – comfort & support items & meals during Holidays
    • Patient Support & Volunteer Fund Grants – comfort & support items during treatment/visits
    • Education/Awareness Grants – community outreach & patient education

    Eligibility for Scientific Clinical Cancer Research Grants includes, but is not limited to:

    1. Research Studies eligible for Scientific Clinical Cancer Research Grants must:

    a. Be "directed toward benefiting the public" by meeting one or more of these criteria:
    i. Scientific research carried on for the purpose of obtaining scientific information which is published in a treatise, thesis, trade publication, or in any other form that is available to the interested public;
    ii. Scientific research carried on for the purpose of discovering a cure for a disease;
    b. Ensure foundation funds are spent solely for the charitable purposes outlined by the foundation and described in the Research Agreement

    2. Recipients of Scientific Clinical Cancer Research Grants must be a qualified research institution (such as a designated Community Clinical Oncology Program (CCOP) - CCOPs are so designated by the National Cancer Institute and have been determined able to implement existing NCI-sponsored cancer treatment and prevention and control clinical trials and can demonstrate an established record of accrual to such trials). ILCCF will primarily consider requests for research grants from the following:

    a. locally and regionally based Scientific Clinical Cancer Research Programs such as, but not limited to:
    i. Illinois CancerCare, P.C. – Serving community clinics throughout central Illinois, Illinois CancerCare is one of the largest and most successful community based clinical cancer research programs in the nation. ILCC is a member of the IORA CCOP.
    ii. The IORA CCOP program consists of a group of medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, urologists, pathologists, and surgeons who conduct cancer research in their practices and at their affiliated institutions. IORA CCOP provides a mechanism through which these institutions can participate in research with many large national cancer research bases, including the North Central Cancer Treatment Group (NCCTG), the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG), the National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project (NSABP), Cancer and Leukemia Group B (CALGB), and the Southwest Oncology Group (SWOG).

    The Illinois CancerCare Foundation will NOT consider the following for funding:

    • Programs not directly related to the Foundation’s stated priorities and areas of interest
    • Research “ordinarily carried on as an incident to commercial operations of an individual pharmaceutical or device company”
    • Organizations or projects outside our general service area
    • Organizations that discriminate by race, religion, color, creed, sex, age or national origin
    • Equipment necessary to regular medical practice [research specific items otherwise unnecessary to regular medical practice may be considered for funding provided a prospective grant review process is followed]
    • Non ILCC Foundation related Events or Advertising Programs for benefit purposes
    • Religious, political, fraternal, or sectarian organizations
    • Endowment funds, annual fund drives

    Grant proposals that make it through the initial screening and review process will then be developed by foundation staff and Scientific Review Committee for a funding recommendation to the decision-making body. Specific attachments and supporting documentation are required as part of the grant application. See the GRANT REQUEST GUIDELINES for Research Grant Requests and Non-research Related Grant Requests for specific procedures related to each.

    The Foundation staff will work with eligible institutions to ensure all requests include supporting documentation for grant criteria and eligibility.

    a) Scientific Grant Requests meeting grant-making criteria, eligibility, and supporting documentation guidelines will be presented to the Scientific Grant Review Committee composed of physician board members. The committee will review all scientific grants to determine eligibility & offer recommendations before scientific research grants are submitted to the Board of Directors for review and vote.
    b) Non-Scientific Grant Requests meeting grant-making criteria, eligibility, and supporting documentation guidelines will be submitted to the Foundation Board of Directors for review without prior review from the Scientific Review Committee.
    All Grant Requests must be approved by Board consent. ILCC physician board members will abstain from voting on all ILCC grants. Board Member approval requires affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of the voting members and may be by vote at a meeting (either regular or special), or by consent, in writing, without a meeting.

    Funding requests that do not meet criteria or eligibility will not be submitted for Foundation Board review, but will be noted at Board Meetings. The Foundation Board members may request review of any non-submitted funding requests. Board members may request special consideration of grant requests that do not meet criteria guidelines. Special Consideration Grant Requests must be approved by Board consent. Board Member approval requires a unanimous affirmative vote of the voting members and may be by vote at a meeting (either regular or special), or by consent, in writing, without a meeting.

    The Foundation Board of Directors meets bi-monthly in January, March, May, July, September, and November to review grant applications. Completed Grant Requests will be due from applicants by the 15th of each month preceding the bi-monthly meetings. Grant Requests will be included in the bi-monthly Board meeting materials packets distributed prior to each board meeting. In the case of urgent requests, Grant Requests (along with voting instructions) may be mailed/emailed outside of those timelines for Board review and consent.

    The Illinois CancerCare Foundation will utilize available funds to award grants that support programs dedicated to improving the quality of life of cancer patients in Illinois. The Foundation has established certain criteria to help decide where funds may be most effectively utilized. The following guidelines are provided to assist the Foundation staff and Board of Directors in the review of Grant Requests. These guidelines are codified by the Foundation Board of Directors and may be amended from time to time.

  • Grant Limitations

  • If Yes, PLEASE STOP HERE. You do not meet our eligibility requirements and should not complete a grant submission
  • Pre-Grant Inquiry Application

  • Grant Information

  • (NOTE: this is the date the grant will be closed. This date must NOT exceed 2 years. Grant funds not utilized by this date will not be available to the grantee, and a new grant will need to be submitted.
  • Does this funding request support any of the following:

  • (refers only to general cancer care-related support and assistance in the form of token items for education, comfort, and personal care that are made generally available to patients, not to select individual patients)
  • If project is research based, a copy of the grant proposal documents (Exhibits A & B) are requested along with this pre-grant inquiry form. Please upload Exhibits A & B here.
    Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 50 MB.
    • If project is NOT research based, a written proposal and budget must be submitted. Please upload your written proposal and budget here.
      Drop files here or
      Max. file size: 50 MB.
      • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.