At 75, Roger Nuhn of Glasford is a relative newlywed. When he and Bonnie married five years ago, he joined a close-knit family that all rallied around him when he started treatment for chronic lymphocytic leukemia in the winter of 2014. Presented with the opportunity to participate in a clinical trial, Roger decided, “What have I got to lose?” The answer: Nothing. He’s not only responding well to treatment—which he’s not sure he could have afforded on his own—but he’s also recovered the energy to do the things he loves. “I wouldn’t have been able to do anything without this treatment. Now, I feel like doing stuff again.” Continue Reading

Roger Nuhn

When you consider all the things you’d like to pass on to your children, cancer certainly doesn’t make the list. But given her family’s history, Ann Best knew it was a possibility. After much deliberation, Ann underwent genetic testing and many family members followed. Knowing the important role the Foundation plays in helping promote and advance testing locally; Ann remains a vocal advocate, serving as a volunteer, donor and board member. “For my kids, I want to see really good research continue right here. The Foundation helps keep Illinois CancerCare on the cutting edge of treatments and therapies.” Continue Reading

Ann Best

Semi-Annual Grant Progress Report

  • We look forward to the report of progress in your important scientific work. We ask you to complete the Semi-Annual Report form and submit it prior to the deadline which has been previously communicated to you.with us last year.

    If you have any questions about the report form, please feel free to contact the Foundation Executive Director at 309.243.3422.

    Thank you!

  • Grant Description

  • Description of Outputs/Outcomes, Lessons Learned, Future Plans

    The answers to the questions below provide an overview of the original intent of the grant and compares how the project has done so far versus what was initially intended. They also provide insight into how this grant meets the mission of the Illinois CancerCare Foundation.

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    • Grantee asserts that it has complied with all of the terms and conditions of the grant specified in the Grant Agreement previously executed by the Grantee and the Illinois CancerCare Foundation. I declare that I am authorized to sign this report on behalf of the grantee organization and that I have examined the foregoing statements and to the best of my knowledge they are true, correct, and complete.
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